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抖抖星系 Dou's collection〃仕女像 封蠟章・Wax Seal

Regular price
NT$ 270
Regular price
NT$ 450
Sale price
NT$ 270
抖抖星系 Dou's collection〃仕女像 封蠟章・Wax Seal 總分: 0 - 0評價

商品規格 / About

⟡ 尺寸 Size 2 x 2.7cm

⟡ 材質 Material 木柄+黃銅 / Wood handle + Brass

注意事項 / Notice

⟡ 照片為實體拍攝,照片可能會因螢幕、光源與個人觀感不同而產生

⟡ 黃銅與空氣接觸後表面會日漸黯淡,呈現出復古懷舊的色澤,此屬

⟡ The photo is taken with real products, but it might have some
   chromatic aberrations. The colour relies mainly on the entity.

⟡ The colour of the seal will look different due to humity and air.

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