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蒔絮紙品 Shihsyu Paper〃Black Cat Handmade notepaper 黑貓手抄紙便箋

Regular price
NT$ 200.00
Regular price
NT$ 0.00
Sale price
NT$ 200.00
蒔絮紙品 Shihsyu Paper〃Black Cat Handmade notepaper 黑貓手抄紙便箋 總分: 0 - 0評價

商品規格 / About

⟡ 尺寸 Size 5cm x 9m

⟡ 8 張一組 / pieces as a set

⟡ 茶米白款(白底混茶葉顆粒,分佈隨機)會有象牙白~米白等種類 /
   random beige and white tone (cannot pick)

⟡ 尺寸 Size 9 x 5cm (±0.5cm)

⟡ 厚度 thickness 約120-300g (approx.)

⟡ 材質 Material 手抄紙 / handmade paper

⟡ 傳統凸版印刷印製 / letterpress printing

⟡ Made in Taiwan  

⟡ 手工製作的紙,絕非完美紙張,完美主義者下單前請三思!
   The paper is 100% HANDMADE, so it will not be totally perfect;
   if you do care about it, please do not order!

注意事項 / Notice

⟡ 照片為實體拍攝,照片可能會因螢幕、光源與個人觀感不同而產生

⟡ 商品照片為 蒔絮紙品 Shihsyu Paper 所有,未經同意請勿任意轉載

⟡ The photo is taken with real products, but it might have some
   chromatic aberrations. The colour relies mainly on the entity.

⟡ All of the photos are from Shihsyu Paper, please do not
   use them without permission.

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