商品規格 / About
⟡ 五周年玉石限定版
Limited Edition Stone ver. for 5yrs anniversary
(之後會恢復成紫蘇木版取手 / the handle will become wood ver. afterwards)
⟡ 5 款樣式 / designs
⟡ 尺寸 size 50mm
⟡ 材質 Material
・ 取手 Handle / 玉石 Stone
・ 印面 Stamp 橡皮 / Rubber
⟡ Made in China
注意事項 / Notice
⟡ 照片為實體拍攝,照片可能會因螢幕、光源
⟡ 木頭取手皆會紋路或是斑點,皆屬於正常現象;
⟡ The photo is taken with real products, but it might have some
chromatic aberrations. The colour relies mainly on the entity.
⟡ Wood handle naturally has texture and dots so we do not accept
return or refund due to this reason.